How to Measure the Waist of a Gown
- 1). Lay the gown on a flat, clean surface. Check to ensure the entire dress is supported by the surface and not hanging off even slightly, as this could warp your measurements. Smooth out any wrinkles.
- 2). Wrap the measuring tape around the waist of the gown: this is narrowest part of the torso. The measuring tape must be snug around the fabric, but not tight and not too loose. Write down this measurement.
- 3). Hang the gown on a hanger and suspend the hanger from a rod or hook, so the dress does not drag on the ground. Wrap the measuring tape around the narrowest part of the torso again, in a smooth and snug manner. Write down the measurement. It should match the measurement you took in step two, exactly. If it doesn't, repeat step two again.