How to Make Curly Ribbon Headbands
- 1). Clip about ten 8-inch lengths of grosgrain ribbon. You can use all the same kind of ribbon or change it up so that all the ribbons are different. If using different ribbons, try to match up colors and repeat designs to make the ribbons cohesive.
- 2). Wrap each ribbon length around its own dowel rod in a spiral. Clip them in place at either end with a clothespin. Give each ribbon a quick blast with a hairdryer on medium. This helps the ribbons keep their shape later. Let the ribbons sit for about 30 minutes.
- 3). Remove the clothespins and slide the ribbon corkscrews from their dowel rods. Pierce each ribbon through the center with an embroidery needle and thread, stringing them into parallel, horizontal rows.
- 4). Tie a knot in the end of your embroidery thread and push your ribbons gently toward the knot until they gather together in a bunch. Wrap the thread around the center of the bunch and tie it off; do not snip it.
- 5). Poke your embroidery needle through the center of an elastic headband, pulling your ribbon bundle flush to the headband. Wrap the thread several times around the bundle and the band, tie it off and snip it. When wearing, adjust the band so the curly bundle sits to one side of your part.