Heidi Klum Talks Makeup and Red Carpets with StyleList
We got the skinny from Heidi, and her makeup artist Linda Hay, on the inspiration behind the Spring Look Makeup Collection, how they dream up red carpet looks, and the duo's best kept beauty secrets.
Not surprisingly, it all starts with the dress! "I asked Roland Mouret to design my dress this year because he is so about a woman's body. I just love the way he cuts. It's sexy without showing off everything" says Klum. "Once Heidi picks the dress that's when I start thinking about the rest of the story" explains Hay. "It's never really finalized until the day-of. We're all Geminis so we are always getting new ideas and changing our minds!"
Once the makeup is done there's the challenge of how to keep it looking fresh all night, which is where the kit comes in. "The purses are beautiful and glamorous but they are are getting smaller and smaller, you don't have anywhere to put anything!" says Klum. Hay's solution's clever but always a scramble to get together. "I have never found a truly small compact so I usually give her powder scraped off and wrapped in a tissue with a mini brush, blotting papers because it gets hot on the red carpet. If her bag is big enough I will stick in a lip gloss as well" With her expert team their to support her you'd think Klum would have no complaints about Oscar night, but as it turns out there's one thing she doesn't like, "There's never any food there, by the end I'm always straving!"
OK enough about the glamorous red carpet life of a supermodel, what about the rest of us gals? Here are Heidi and Linda's
Top 5 tips for looking red carpet ready.
1. Give your skin a day off. "On a day off I do nothing!" says Heidi. "If I am going out with my husband maybe a tiny bit of lip gloss or mascara, but I try to let the skin breathe.
2. For a beautiful 5-minute face Linda Hay says "Mascara, lip gloss, bronzer and you're good to go. But don't use the bronzer as a contour it's too harsh. Instead apply it anywhere the sun would touch your face." (In case you have forgotten over the winter that means your cheekbones, temples and the bridge of your nose)
3. To make your eyes look larger Heidi says "Don't do dark eyeliner inside your eyes it makes them look smaller. If you go underneath the lashes and put a lighter liner on the inside it makes them look much bigger."
4. Heidi anti aging secret? A product she spent 2 1/2 years creating herself, natch! "I love In An Instant, it's how I take care of my skin."
5. "Putting a highlighter in the inside corners of your eyes and under your brows really helps" says Klum. "Even if it's just photos with your friends at dinner, if you do that, your face will pop"