3 Things That Are Holding You Back From Gaining Muscle
Walk into any gym and I'll bet you see the same people week after week looking exactly the same they did the month or even the year before.
You know the ones I'm talking about.
I'd bet that these people are doing at least one of these three key mistakes: they aren't breathing properly, they are using poor form, and they aren't keeping a workout journal.
By doing these three simple things you can get on the fast track to gaining muscle in the gym.
Let's take a look.
Learn to Breathe Proper breathing is one thing that most people completely overlook.
Way too many people hold their breath when weight lifting.
Your muscles, brain, and entire body needs oxygen, especially when under physical stress.
Holding your breath can lead to dizziness, cramps, vomiting, and a whole host of other problems that you definitely want to avoid.
It's easy to breath properly when lifting.
Just remember to exhale when exerting, pushing or pulling and to inhale when resting, lowering, or returning to the starting position.
Along with proper breathing it is key to use good form when performing any exercise.
Quit Cheating Using good form is absolutely key to seeing fantastic results when weight lifting.
One common thing to avoid is "cheating" when performing an exercise.
You want to avoid swinging the weight or using momentum to perform the lift.
If you can't do an exercise with strict form, you need to lower the weight you are using until you can.
Another reason why you need to avoid poor form is that it can lead to serious injury and pain.
There's no point in performing an exercise poorly just so that you can lift more weight if it means tearing a muscle and being out of the gym for months.
Write it Down A killer mistake that most people make is by thinking that they can keep track of their workouts week after week without writing anything down.
A weight lifting or training journal doesn't need to be anything more than a pen and a piece of paper.
It's a poor idea to try and rely solely on your memory.
It's almost impossible to remember how much weight you used and how many reps you did on each exercise a day ago, let alone what you did last month or the month before.
A simple lifting journal is also a fantastic motivator.
It's a great feeling to be able to instantly look back and see how much progress you've made.
Conclusion By breathing properly when performing exercises, using good strict form, and keeping track of your progress in a workout journal you can avoid common pitfalls that lead most people to failure in the gym.
Do these things consistently in conjunction with a good weight lifting program and I guarantee that you'll start seeing amazing muscle gains and progress.
You know the ones I'm talking about.
I'd bet that these people are doing at least one of these three key mistakes: they aren't breathing properly, they are using poor form, and they aren't keeping a workout journal.
By doing these three simple things you can get on the fast track to gaining muscle in the gym.
Let's take a look.
Learn to Breathe Proper breathing is one thing that most people completely overlook.
Way too many people hold their breath when weight lifting.
Your muscles, brain, and entire body needs oxygen, especially when under physical stress.
Holding your breath can lead to dizziness, cramps, vomiting, and a whole host of other problems that you definitely want to avoid.
It's easy to breath properly when lifting.
Just remember to exhale when exerting, pushing or pulling and to inhale when resting, lowering, or returning to the starting position.
Along with proper breathing it is key to use good form when performing any exercise.
Quit Cheating Using good form is absolutely key to seeing fantastic results when weight lifting.
One common thing to avoid is "cheating" when performing an exercise.
You want to avoid swinging the weight or using momentum to perform the lift.
If you can't do an exercise with strict form, you need to lower the weight you are using until you can.
Another reason why you need to avoid poor form is that it can lead to serious injury and pain.
There's no point in performing an exercise poorly just so that you can lift more weight if it means tearing a muscle and being out of the gym for months.
Write it Down A killer mistake that most people make is by thinking that they can keep track of their workouts week after week without writing anything down.
A weight lifting or training journal doesn't need to be anything more than a pen and a piece of paper.
It's a poor idea to try and rely solely on your memory.
It's almost impossible to remember how much weight you used and how many reps you did on each exercise a day ago, let alone what you did last month or the month before.
A simple lifting journal is also a fantastic motivator.
It's a great feeling to be able to instantly look back and see how much progress you've made.
Conclusion By breathing properly when performing exercises, using good strict form, and keeping track of your progress in a workout journal you can avoid common pitfalls that lead most people to failure in the gym.
Do these things consistently in conjunction with a good weight lifting program and I guarantee that you'll start seeing amazing muscle gains and progress.