How to Set Up a Sewing Machine for Quilting
- 1). Remove the thread. Oil your sewing machine according to the manufacturer’s instructions.
- 2). Sew through a piece of paper towel several times to get rid of any excess oil that could stain your quilt.
- 3). Attach the darning foot to your sewing machine, following the manufacturer’s instructions.
- 4). Attach a fresh needle to your sewing machine. Use a needle that matches the fabric and batting of your quilt.
- 5). Thread the sewing machine with quilting thread.
- 6). Change the throat plate on your machine to a single hole plate, if you have one. Set your needle to the center position and hand turn the wheel once to make sure the needle goes down and comes up through the hole.
- 7). Lower or cover the feed dogs on your sewing machine. Check your manual for directions for your machine.
- 8). Set the stitch length on your sewing machine to zero.
- 9). Test the machine by quilting through your scrap fabric. Make sure the fabric moves freely and that the stitches are even. Adjust the tension on your machine, if necessary.