How to Get a Bear Insane Faster on "Naughty Bear"
- 1). Explore the map. Anything that is on, turn off. Anything that is off, turn on. Anything that you can break, break. For example, at the start of Level 7-3, immediately turn on the barbecue and break the jukebox. Some objects you can only break by tossing or jamming other objects into them. The simple rule is that, if you can pick it up, you can break something with it.
- 2). Notice in the top right corner of your screen that while a bear performs a repair you receive a video dialogue. Immediately run to the bear performing the repairs, sneak up behind him and use L2 on your controller to scare him. For example, in Level 7-3 scare Ninja Chan as soon as he begins repairing the jukebox.
- 3). Leave traps across the map. Whenever a bear triggers a trap, scare the bear with L2. As you play a level, watch where the bears commonly travel, leaving a trap along their movement path. Also, laying a spare trap when you expect a bear to chase you for previously spooking them will quickly trap them so you can spook them again (while they are trapped) to drive them insane.
- 4). Refrain from scaring bears for no reason. It is most effective to only scare bears while they are interacting with something else, namely while trapped or repairing.