What Can You Do to Get Rock Hard Abs?
Always we want to look better and become healthier.
Some people like to have big arm muscles or big leg muscles, but what really gives your body a better shape and turn heads towards you is rock hard ripped abs.
Yes, if your abs look good all your body looks good.
Women have chosen abdominal muscles as the most attractive muscles in man's body.
In addition to that of course it is healthier and more protective to your vital abdominal organs if you have hard abdominal muscles.
One thing you need to know about abs before learning how to make them harder is that if you have belly fat covering this muscle you will not see it.
This means also if you are seeing only the upper ups that doesn't mean you need to exercise lower abs harder.
This is wrong as your abdominal muscles are like any other muscles if you want to contract them you can't choose what part to contract, the whole muscle contracts at once.
So if you don't see lower part of your abs you need to lose fat over them not to do what they call lower ab exercises.
Don't get me wrong I am not saying that these exercises are useless but they will train all your abs and still you can't see lower part till you lose fat covering it.
The role of abs mainly is to support the abdomen and protect the vital organs in this area, but when these muscle contracts? Obviously when you bring your ribcage closer to the pelvis you can feel the contraction in your abs.
This means that any exercise that make this movement and squeeze your abs will strengthen your abs as any muscle in your body grow by contraction, this is what really matters.
A very popular exercise that do this and you may be doing since you were a child is sit ups.
But when people do sit ups they do it wrong causing back pain and they become tired fast which may make them stop exercising for long time.
What most people think is right is to sit up till they can touch their elbow to the knee.
Your abs contract fully when your shoulders start raising off the floor about 5 inches and any further raise will not have good effect on your abs but will cause back pain.
Remember, you only need to squeeze your abs so there is no need to strain your back or neck muscles.
Very important thing to keep in mind is that you need to lose fat from all your body in order to get rid of belly fat so you can show off your sexy abs.
Exercising abs only will make your abs hard but to show them you need to burn that fat covering them.
Some people like to have big arm muscles or big leg muscles, but what really gives your body a better shape and turn heads towards you is rock hard ripped abs.
Yes, if your abs look good all your body looks good.
Women have chosen abdominal muscles as the most attractive muscles in man's body.
In addition to that of course it is healthier and more protective to your vital abdominal organs if you have hard abdominal muscles.
One thing you need to know about abs before learning how to make them harder is that if you have belly fat covering this muscle you will not see it.
This means also if you are seeing only the upper ups that doesn't mean you need to exercise lower abs harder.
This is wrong as your abdominal muscles are like any other muscles if you want to contract them you can't choose what part to contract, the whole muscle contracts at once.
So if you don't see lower part of your abs you need to lose fat over them not to do what they call lower ab exercises.
Don't get me wrong I am not saying that these exercises are useless but they will train all your abs and still you can't see lower part till you lose fat covering it.
The role of abs mainly is to support the abdomen and protect the vital organs in this area, but when these muscle contracts? Obviously when you bring your ribcage closer to the pelvis you can feel the contraction in your abs.
This means that any exercise that make this movement and squeeze your abs will strengthen your abs as any muscle in your body grow by contraction, this is what really matters.
A very popular exercise that do this and you may be doing since you were a child is sit ups.
But when people do sit ups they do it wrong causing back pain and they become tired fast which may make them stop exercising for long time.
What most people think is right is to sit up till they can touch their elbow to the knee.
Your abs contract fully when your shoulders start raising off the floor about 5 inches and any further raise will not have good effect on your abs but will cause back pain.
Remember, you only need to squeeze your abs so there is no need to strain your back or neck muscles.
Very important thing to keep in mind is that you need to lose fat from all your body in order to get rid of belly fat so you can show off your sexy abs.
Exercising abs only will make your abs hard but to show them you need to burn that fat covering them.